Welcome to our WOW world


Filled with experiences.

Our experiential agency is here to transport your customers into unforgettable worlds where they can escape the ordinary and explore the extraordinary.
We strive to create immersive experiences that engage all senses, leaving a lasting impression that inspires creativity, sparks curiosity, and fosters connection.

Limitless possibilities.

We are continuously pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, delivering exceptional and transformative experiences that captivate and inspire audiences.

And impactful results.

We believe in the power of immersive storytelling to create meaningful, authentic connections between people and brands, and we are committed to crafting innovative and unforgettable experiences that leave a lasting impact.


We strive to create immersive experiences that engage all senses, leaving a lasting impression that inspires creativity, sparks curiosity, and fosters connection.



1st generation starts sign painting company in Gorinchem, The Netherlands


2nd generation takes over retail signage company In Gorinchem, The Netherlands and merges the companies.


3rd generation launches 3D Window Dressing® as a product to help lease vacant retail space faster.


Company renamed to 3DWD.


3DWD opens Atlanta, USA sales office.


3DWD opens Lisbon, Portugal office.


“At 3DWD, we are driven by a shared passion to challenge the norm and create extraordinary experiences. We believe in pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, and it’s this collective goal that unites us as a team. With diverse backgrounds and a deep care for each project, we come together to craft unique WOW moments that leave a lasting impact. It’s not just work for us, it’s a thrilling adventure that fuels our creativity and makes every day a joy.”

Dion Pouw

Founder & Managing Director

Our creative nest

Our creative nest is not just a workspace – it’s a wellspring of inspiration that fuels our team’s creative genius. All of our offices are designed to foster creativity and encourage free-flowing ideas.
Whether you step in our office in Gorinchem, Almada or Atlanta you can sense the collaborative creative flow of ideas rushing through.
With our inhouse studio that sparks life into every project and our production facilities, everything you will ever need to make your brand stand out, is already here at 3DWD


We work with leading developers, landlords and brands in 40 countries, and counting.